Monday, June 22, 2009

Owed to the 80s from a Fashionable Four-Eyes

Glasses: Gloria Vanderbilt, Dress: H&M, Belt: Betsey Johnson, Biker Shorts, Shoes: Gianni Bini

My new glasses finally arrived and I am loving them to bits! Everyone was skeptical about me getting big rim "granny glasses" but now they see just how fabulous they really are. I am grateful to finally have a pair of glasses I can see out of without turning my head trying to avoid the fishbowl effect. Long live the big rim 80s glasses!!!

1 comment:

Damsels said...

love your biker sohrts floral dress combo . you look good . ah i need to get me some glasses im so lazy and need some money . ive been wearing contacts allyear .. i know so bad :(